Green Gold Animation has partnered with Sony Music, to release the music of the iconic film franchise, Chhota Bheem – Kung Fu Dhamaka.
Chhota Bheem is an Indian animated comedy adventure television series created by Rajiv Chilaka. Premiered in 2008 on Pogo TV, it focuses on adventures of a boy named Bheem and his friends in the fictional kingdom of Dholakpur.
Chhota Bheem Kung Fu Dhamaka is a family entertainer animation digital 3D movie.
Directed by Rajiv Chilaka, produced by Green Gold Animation, Chhota Bheem – Kung Fu Dhamaka releases in theaters on the 10th of May.
Hamleys India has also unveiled new editions Chhota Bheem‘s Action Plush and Kung Fu Bheem on 26th April.